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Private Figure Skating Lessons

There are two ways to arrange a private lesson:

1.  Figure out the day and time that is best suited to you. Private or semi private lessons for you or your child can be set up with an expert coach by giving them advanced notice. Coaches at Kendall Ice Arena set up and schedule their own private lessons based on your requests and their availability. Please pick up a private lesson request form at the skate counter or, e-mail the Skating Academy Office. You will be contacted later by a coach to arrange a lesson time!

2. You are welcome to come and observe the coaches at work and approach them directly to arrange lesson day and time.

All Coaches and Instructors are independent contractors who use the Kendall Ice Arena facilities to teach private lessons; therefore they set their own schedule and fees. All fees must be paid at the Skating Academy Office prior to the lesson and you will be issued a lesson ticket to be given to the instructor at that time. These fees are for instruction only and do not include the price of admission or skate rental.

Please note that the printed lesson tickets are not replaceable and may not be reprinted.

Interested in Private Lessons? Email us to contact a coach at:



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